Saturday, October 10, 2009

Mission Accomplished...but boy was it tough...

I'll post a full report tomorrow, but today's race was probably the hardest race I've ever had.

It was brutal out there; regulars are saying that today was the hottest its ever been, and we had near continuous head winds to cap it off. It looks like there is a record number of non-finishers.

I'm very happy to have survived the day, my time was about 30-40 minutes slower than anticipated, but I can assure you I couldn't care less about that. Finishing was a real battle. My two neighbours where I am staying both failed to finish.

Time to put my feet up.


  1. What a legend effort! Have been following things online throughout the day and as time went on it became more apparent just how hard it was out there. Well done Rob, it takes a herculean effort just to cross the finish line of that race on a good day, let alone when conditions are that tough. Looking forward to hearing all the gory details!

    Hope you're justifiably proud of yourself.

    Love Mel and Pete.

  2. Hi Rob
    well done managed to see you finish, nice to hearabout the conditions it seem to vary alot
    out there differing reports.
    Well done again
    Brett W

  3. Congratulations Rob, it does sound like it was pretty brutal, and as you say, just finishing an event like that is a challenge in itself. And by the way could you please pass on to my baby girl our very best wishes for her birthday. David & Mary
