Monday, September 28, 2009

Back on line

The wifi has been re-established - it just needed rebooting after what was probably a power surge. At least I know how to sort it now.

A good training day today. 3km in the free local pool; hardly anyone there, and it was nice to blast out some 200m and 50m intervals. Tonight I did a 50 min run over the first part of the run course, out along Ali'i Drive towards Keahou. The road hugs the coastline through this part of the town, and so thankfully its a pretty scenic run. 2/3 of the run is out on the Queen K Highway - pretty sparse and boring. I was quite surprised with today's run, whilst I felt pretty hot, I ran at a good pace and it felt very smooth and flowing.

Lodged next to me are a couple of Canadian professional athletes. Trevor and Heather Wurtele have some good race results under their collective belts, Heather has even won one of the Ironman races in the mainland US. She's racing Kona, Trevor missed out on qualifying as a pro, and so is racing the Arazona ironman in November. Check out their website at

Tomorrow its off to Waikaloa by car around 8am, and I'll ride the other half of the course - Waikaloa to Hawi return. This is the part of the course with legendary crosswinds and headwinds. I'm also going to film an experiment involving an egg. Check it out in tomorrow's post.

1 comment:

  1. I'l have mine with a hard yolk and not to much scoria in it, thanks.
