Thursday, September 24, 2009

The important, but tedious, task of packing...

I really don't like packing up. It starts of course with a list; categorising items into swim/bike/run gear, along with all the odds and sods that I need for the trip. There is a lingering feeling that I've forgotten something important.

On the plus side, I've had some great training the last two days. As my training volume comes down, I start to feel like I have so much energy. Yesterday I swam 4km straight (well, apart from a loo stop at the 2km point - I just couldn't hold on...) and biked what we call the 'Short bays' circuit in the afternoon. I tacked on an extra 30 or so minutes to make it a solid 2 hour ride, and I pushed it pretty hard. Both sessions felt very easy, and that is great after months of almost deliberate and permanent fatigue. Tonight it was a brisk 11km run in the steady zone. It felt almost effortless.

I fly to Auckland early tomorrow morning, with a connecting flight through to Honolulu. It feels 'real' now. After months of training with the end point so far in front, it was easy to wonder if race day would ever come. It also felt a bit like it was training for training sake. Those feelings are gone now, and my anticipation is well and truly building.

1 comment:

  1. Ha, someone else that packs for a race like me! Thanks for sending through the link. Sounds like you're already feeling at home. All the best for your final prep and I hope you are enjoying the long-awaited 'down time'.
